
A key aspect of the Department’s operational planning is its ability to function effectively and continuously achieve updated goals. This planning aligns with the strategy of the University of the Peloponnese and supports its strategic objectives, contributing significantly to the University’s establishment as a hub for regional development.
Operational Planning Highlights
- The Department is organized and operates with the aim of becoming a Center of Excellence, Innovation, and Development.
- This goal is supported through the qualitative growth of the Department and the attraction of highly qualified personnel.
- The Undergraduate Program is designed so that all departmental activities—academic research, teaching, and outreach to professional organizations and the market—contribute to positioning the Department as a provider of high-level professionals, new knowledge, and innovative solutions to the challenges of the modern economic environment.
- This approach forms the foundation of the Department's developmental strategy, which aligns with the broader developmental strategy of the University in a collaborative framework that is currently being shaped.
Vision of the Department
The vision of the Department of Management Science and Technology is to achieve academic excellence for the benefit of its students and all stakeholders. It aims to foster close collaboration with scientific, industrial, social, and cultural institutions at the national and European levels, ultimately contributing to the global community.